I am scared of juggling midgets.
3:53 p.m. || 2004-06-30

No really I am. I don't trust little bitty short things (sorry Jo!!). There used to be one over in ChinaTown when I lived in DC. Picture this... An asian midget, juggling balls while riding a skateboard. The best part?? He was dressed like a clown!! Ewwww!! I hate clowns. Blame it on Stephen King if you wanna, but clowns are not fun. Not at all.

Quiet night last night. We went to watch Dodgeball, but I'll have to save the review for later because the projector broke. Rain checks in hand we decided to go grab a bite and a beer and play a little NTN Trivia. That made me feel good because I proved to myself that I was smarter than all the other idiots in the bar. I'm also a little sickly, so today won't be too funny (not that it normally is, but today I'm not even trying.).

I'm going to cheat like Jenna and allow someone else to be funny for me, so here goes.

#1, let me pimp 'Get Fuzzy' again. This is the way I feel when stupid people try to talk to me. I'd never say I'd want to be a cat, but I'd like to be able to say shit like this to people without getting fired.

Also, a very funny friend of mine e-mailed me this picture and told me it was what I would look like if I actually were to be reincarnated as a cat.

Let's hope that never happens, but I have to admit the beer looks pretty good. Oh, and over the counter meds rock (so just think if we combined the over the counter meds WITH the beer!!). I'm kinda drooling on myself even as I write this and I've run into the door frame about 6 times today I'm so out of it. Consider that an apology for any typos.

(Eds. Note: I'm too stupid to figure out HaloScan so I accidentally deleted all of your comments. Most of them were mean and hateful anyway. That's another way of saying they were very insightful and witty and I hope that you continue to make them in the future.)

Older Lies||Younger Lies

Wanna know how to scare your ex? - 2005-03-12
Maybe I am not the sickest person out there. - 2005-02-23
I'm out of my funk and I'm not talking about hygiene. - 2005-02-11
Ding Dong the Sports Season is Dead. - 2005-02-07
Wow, is this thing still on? - 2005-01-31

3:53 p.m. || 2004-06-30


I'm 28, tired of working and avoiding the real world by returning to school to seek advanced degrees.

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