Look! Up in the sky!
3:09 p.m. || 2004-07-01

It's a bird! It's a plane!! It's... It's... Hell yeah, it's the sun! It's rained 36 out of the last 39 days here and I'm tired of it. I come from an agricultural background, so I hate to complain about too much rain but my road has washed away 5 times in the last 5 weeks. We average just a shade less than 40" of rain a year and we've had 44"+ in the last 5 weeks. I'm tired of it. Looks like sun every day for the 10 day forecast. Hallelujah!

I'm also starting to pay a little bit of attention to my stats (Okay, okay, I'm a complete stat whore! I admit it allright?!) and I have to say I'm a little amazed...

You, over in Dallas, glad to see a fellow Texan on the site, but I'm pretty sure you work for the city, so quit wasting our tax dollars and get to work! You over at Accenture, same thing without the tax dollars part. I also wanna say 'Howdy!' to whomever it is in Montreal that's reading up. You people from AOL and Comcast... I didn't even know Aol and Comcast still existed, so I'm just happy y'all have a computer...

Now on to the real entry for today...

I've had to listen to one of my girl-friends (for future reference, the '-' appears in there when it means I have never and have no chance of ever sleeping with her, truly just a friend) complain about her husband ALL stinkin' day! They've been married for three years and it is starting to dawn on her that he IS the person that she married (how dare he not change just because she assumed he would!). It's as if she expected there to be another person inside of him that would come out once they'd been married for 'X' amount of years. I'm afraid for his sake that she's about to try to beat him about the head and shoulders with bitchiness until he becomes the person she evidently thought lived inside of him.

Free Lesson For Today Ladies!

Boys are turds. What you see is what you get (or what you see is what he is, and what you cop a feel of is what you get, however that works for you)! They don't really change. Physically maybe. Our hair moves from our head to our back/ears/nose, we get a little fatter, we get a little lazier... Other than that it's all completely the same. I always used to say I couldn't wait to be a dirty old man until I realized that I'm actually a dirty young man now, and that's probably way better!! Because should the chance to score arise you don't have to wait a week to do something about it.

The latest complaints from my friend are (in no particular order of infuriated-ness):

1) He still leaves the lid up.

2) On the weekends he likes to golf with his buddies (of which I am one).

3) He's 26 and he still plays video games!

Okay, I'll give her a little bit of sympathy on #1. Men, put the lid down. It's too easy to do to be worth fighting over (side note: boys, if you ever have a hunch to really tick a woman off, never choose to do it by saran wrapping the top of the actual bowl and then putting the lid down. I did this when I was 8 as a practical joke on my Sister/Mom and all it succeeded in doing was making a huge mess and one very furious Mom).

Obviously, I give her no sympathy on Point #2 because I am one of the golfers. Boys need time to golf/fish/hunt, it's what they do! Our basic nature tells us to hunt/gather/protect. Rules of common decency won't allow us to whack people with clubs anymore, so instead we whack a little ball. Plus it allows us to take out frustration over the fact that you just spent all of our money on things we'll never get to use (said girl-friend also admitted to me that she has bought 2 handbags and 5 pair of shoes in the last 2 days). Just because you saw it on an episode of Sex and the City, does not mean that you need it!

Point #3 is where I really have to lay out the differences between boys and girls though... Let your boy play his games! It keeps him young at heart and it'll keep him playful in every aspect of his life be it at work, with the kids, in the bedroom (hopefully not with the kids), you name it! Point in case: I work with the legislature. I've had the opportunity to meet and work with three US Presidents and two foreign presidents. I've worked with a number of senators and I'm in the state capitol building at least three times a week on advocacy efforts. I look good in a suit or tuxedo (every man should buy a tux 'cause we all look awesome in them) and I can even tie my own bow-tie thank you very much. I know which utensil to use for which course and I very rarely embarrass myself or my date at a function. What I'm trying to say is I'm pretty well trained and rather mature... but I love video games! I play 'em in my underwear. I would play them naked, but the chair is just too damn cold on the testicles. There's something very primal about it and you shouldn't take that away from your boy. Hell, if I didn't have to come to work I'd look like this all the time.

Well... okay, a little hairier and taller, but you get the picture.

Ladies, let your man have the little things. A man that will love you and take care of you and be true to you isn't really that easy to find. Is it worth losing over a video game or four hours of golf? Nah, didn't think so. (Besides, even girls like video games, right Jo?)

Older Lies||Younger Lies

Wanna know how to scare your ex? - 2005-03-12
Maybe I am not the sickest person out there. - 2005-02-23
I'm out of my funk and I'm not talking about hygiene. - 2005-02-11
Ding Dong the Sports Season is Dead. - 2005-02-07
Wow, is this thing still on? - 2005-01-31

3:09 p.m. || 2004-07-01


I'm 28, tired of working and avoiding the real world by returning to school to seek advanced degrees.

College Athletics and the Great Outdoors


JoeCartoon Approved Diary Rings

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